Wilson's Theorem
An integer \(n > 1\) is prime if and only if:
Let \(n\) by prime. This means that \(\mathbb{Z}_n\) is a field (this field) and hence that there are no non-zero zero divisors.
Hence, if \(x \in \mathbb{Z}_p\) then
This means \(x\) is part of the residue classes of \(1\) or \(n - 1\) if and only if it is self inverse (which is equivalent to \(x^2 = 1\)). Hence, in the expression of \((n - 1)!\), every other term must be able to be paired with its inverse by commuting the terms
Now for the converse we assume that \(n\) is composite. This means that \(n\) can be expressed as a product of two numbers \(a, b\) with \(2 \leq a, b \leq n - 1\). This means that \((n - 1)!\) includes both \(a\) and \(b\) when written out explicitly, and is thus a multiple of \(n\). Hence \((n - 1)! \equiv 0 \pmod n\). The only case in which this fails to be true is when \(a = b\) in the only such factorisation, however in this case, for \(n \geq 3^2\), there is necessarily at least one other term which contains a factor of \(a\) (for example \(6\) when considering \(3^2\)) and if \(n = 4\), then \(3! = 6 \equiv 2 \mod 4\), so the theorem holds in this case too.
If \(n\) is not prime and \(n \neq 4\), then:
If \(n = 4\) then:
This is apparent from the proof of Wilson's theorem, and the use of the special case for \(n = 4\).